By EvolutionCBD | December 14, 2018
CBD hemp oil continues to be praised by users for a variety of needs. Cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp oil interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. This carries a number of reported benefits, and Evolution CBD’s customers represent a broad cross-section of the population with a broad set of needs. But how to choose the right CBD product?
Choosing the right product for delivering CBD to the body is important for obtaining an optimal result. A variety of specific options are available to take CBD. Some folks report better results from combining different products to zero in on particular needs. Below we outline some of Evolution CBD’s most popular hemp oil products and the ways customers choose to use them. Please consult your physician before adding any sort of supplement.
Probably one of the most popular and well-known methods of getting CBD into the body is to vaporize (“vape”) it. This works through a heat activated evaporation which produces a vapor that is breathed into the lungs. (this is not a “smoke”, nor is this the same as smoking). When you take the aerosolized form into your lungs it allows for extremely rapid delivery of cannabidiol to your system. Vape products absorb in the lungs which makes them incredibly fast-acting. We carry a set of pre-filled cartridges and rechargeable batteries. Evolution also recently introduced our new “3-in-1” CBD line, which can be used as e-liquid in a refillable pen. We offer up to twelve different flavor choices in each of our lines of vapable products.
Some of our customers prefer a different means of administering CBD than vaporizing it. For them, we carry a line of sublingual (under the tongue) tinctures. We recommend holding the dose from a dropper (up to 1ml) under the tongue for approximately sixty seconds (1 min.) in order to allow for maximum absorption through the capillaries under the tongue and throughout the mouth. If someone is unaccustomed to the sensation or otherwise unable to breath the CBD through a vaporizer, this product can produce a similarly rapid result. We carry a dedicated line of tinctures as well as our 3-in-1 line which can be delivered sublingually.
We carry various body lotions and creams as well as eye serums and lip balms. We recently started selling bath bombs for luxurious spa treatments. The most popular of our body products, though, has got to be our topical serum. Mixed with DMSO, a very potent solvent that is helpful on its own, the topical serum is easily absorbed deep into the surrounding tissue of affected areas. We have seen people experience relief from joint pain in as little as sixty seconds.
Some are looking to use cannabidiol as a supplement to maintain their endocannabinoid system at peak performance for general health maintenance. People often report a better result when when CBD is absorbed more completely in the GI system.
Our water soluble remains our most recommended product in this category. We employ a patent-pending nanotech production method (also found in our 3-in-1 products). “Slicing” the CBD into incredibly small packets for delivery increases the absorption efficiency of this product to over 90% on its way towards 100% (as opposed to the roughly 50% or less absorption typically observed in other product types).
When you ingest CBD, it stays in the system for much longer. Absorption is increased and so is the effective time range of the dose. This makes it much easier to titrate for ongoing and chronic needs. There’s a good reason that our water-soluble (and 3-in-1) products remain our most requested.
People report a “sweet spot” for proper cannabidiol servings, and as with most things, there is a point of diminishing returns if one takes more than necessary. That said, no scientist has identified a lethal dose for CBD and hemp oil is entirely nontoxic. It is entirely safe and we would even encourage you to experiment with the right combination of products and doses for your individualized and tailored needs.
You can always contact us today!